Examen DNB/DNBi HS

Examen DNB / DNBi 2023-2024

What is the Brevet?

The DNB (Diplôme National du Brevet) is the first official credential in the French Curriculum.
It includes both internal and external assessments as well as continuous assessment.

1) Written External Assessment: (300 points)

French: 3 hours (100 points)
Part 1: Dictation and questions based on a text (excerpt from a novel, play, poem) to evaluate student comprehension and mastery of French grammar. (1h 30)
• Part 2: Written work: choice of two subjects on a theme taken from the French literary corpus. (1h 30)

Math: 2 hours (100 points)
Between 6 and 8 exercises based on the math curriculum in grade 9 

History, Geography and Civics: 2 hours (50 points) 
• One document-based question (History or Geography°)
• One small essay called “développement construit” (History or Geography°)
• Civics Questions 

* If the document based question is in geography, the “developpement construit” is in History and vice versa

Sciences: 1 hour (50 points) 
Two subjects will be randomly chosen in May among SVT (Bio) SPC (Physics and chemistry) and Technology (Tech and skills)

Part 1: Subject 1
Part 2: Subject 2

2) French Oral Internal Assessment (100 points) 

Length 15 minutes: 5 minutes exposé+ 10 minutes questions: Students will present for 5 minutes a project linked with an interdisciplinary project they have done in class in middle school and then answer the jury’s questions on this project.

3) Continuous Assessment:

Scores for each domain of “the socle commun de compétences” (skills) are awarded by the pedagogical team during the “conseil de classe” based on continuous assessment in each subject.

The Different Domains are:

Domain 1.1: French language: written and spoken
Domain 1.1: Second language
Domain 1.3: Mathematical, scientific, and numerical language
Domain 1.4: Artistic and body language
Domain 2: Learning tools and methods
Domain 3: Citizenship education
Domain 4: Natural and technical systems
Domain 5: Representation of the world and human activity

For each domain, the scores are either:

50: Very good
40: Satisfactory
25: Fragile
10: Insufficientô 

Mention Internationale

The DNBi Value-Added Proposition:

• A recognition of student bilingualism and biculturalism
• Two oral exams in English and the non-linguistic discipline (Discipline non-linguistique – DNL)

1) Oral Exam History Geography: 30 minutes (50 points)

15 minutes of preparation time and 10 minutes student presentation and interview with the jury.

The student must answer a question given by the jury. The question is related to the topics studied during the year in History and Geography. A list of topics will be given to the students before the exam. The student will pick a topic randomly and will have 15 minutes to prepare his/her presentations.

The students will be assessed on their skills and knowledge related to a set of questions on topics covered during the year, their abilities to give a structured and pertinent presentation and their ability to speak clearly in English.

2) Oral Exam English: 20 minutes (50 points)

All 9th grade students will take an oral exam at the end of the year in order to achieve the international mention for the Brevet (DNB-I).

The course and the exam will serve as a validation of the bilingualism and biculturalism of LILA students.

The exam is given at the end of May, lasting 20 minutes. The exam, which is a presentation of a portfolio and an interview with the examiner(s) will determine the linguistic capabilities of the candidate.

Skills are evaluated regarding level B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Points Summary:

Diplôme National du Brevet (DNB)

Socle Commun de Compétences: 400 points

1) Written Examinations: 300 points

  • French: 100 points

  • Math: 100 points

  • History/Geography: 50 points

  • Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology): 50 points

2) DNB Oral Examination: 100 points

TOTAL: 800 points

Diplôme National du Brevet Mention Internationale (DNBI)

Socle Commun de Compétences: 400 points

1) Written Examinations: 300 points

  • French: 100 points

  • Math: 100 points

  • History/Geography: 50 points

  • Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology): 50 points

2) DNB Oral Examination: 100 points

  • History Oral Examination: 50 points

  • English Oral Examination: 50 points

Note: (In order to have the “international mention” of the DNB, a minimum of 25/50 is required for both orals)

TOTAL: 900 points

Please note: Scores for each domain of the socle commun de compétences (skills) are awarded by the pedagogical team during the conseil de classe based on continuous assessment in each subject.

What about the Result?

To pass the DNB or DNBI, the student must have:

at least a score of 400 points (on the DNB part) 
at least 450 points (on the DNBi part with a minimum of 25/50 in both DNBi orals)

The Student will be Awarded a “Mention” if his/her Score is: 



“Assez Bien” Cum Laude

480 points or more

540 points or more

“Bien” Magna Cum Laude

560 points or more

630 points or more

“Très Bien” Summa Cum Laude

640 points or more

720 points or more

Results of the Brevet

Friday, June 14:
Results will be shared

How to Prepare?

Two Mock Exams Proctored at LILA:

First Mock Exam

Wednesday, December 6 and Thursday, December 7:
Written exam (no regular class during these two dates)

Monday, December 11: 
English Oral (Students will have class as usual and allowed to leave class 15 minutes before their orals)

Tuesday December 12:
History/Geography Oral (Students will have class as usual and allowed to leave class 15 minutes before their orals)

Second Mock Exam

Monday, March 25 and Tuesday, March 26:
Written exam and EPI

Thursday, March 28:
English Oral (Students will have class as usual and allowed to leave class 15 minutes before their orals)

Friday, March 29:
History/Geography Oral (Students will have class as usual and allowed to leave class 15 minutes before their orals)

Final Oral and Written Exam Dates:

Dates of the Final Oral Exam

Wednesday, April 24:
French Oral EPI

Monday, April 29:
English Oral

Tuesday, April 30:
History/Geography Oral

Dates of the Final Written Exam

Wednesday, May 29:
French Written, Math Exam

Thursday, May 30:
History/Geography Written, Science Written