French language sessions for you and your little one
Schedule & Locations
Los Feliz ELC
2714 St George Street
Los Angeles, CA 90027
> Mondays 11:00am-12:30pm for 12-30 months old
> Wednesdays 11:00am-12:30pm for 6-12 months old
Session canceled on March 5.
Orange County
1838 N. Shaffer Street
Orange, CA 92865
> Mondays – 9:30am-11:00am
30 N. Marion Avenue
Pasadena, CA 91106
> Schedule TBD
West Valley
5933 Lindley Ave
Tarzana, CA 91356
> Schedule TBD
Mommy & Moi
Today, 66% of the world’s children are raised to speak two languages. Scientific research has shown that in addition to the global exposure an added language gives, bilingual children are better at focusing, multitasking, have increased mental flexibility and creativity, possess stronger logic skills, and perform better academically than their monolingual peers. Scientists believe that the optimal time for children to learn a second language is from birth to 3 years.
Renowned psycholinguist Frank Smith said, “One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.”
Since January 2015, parents of babies and toddlers have had the opportunity to begin opening those proverbial doors for their children. The International School of Los Angeles offers a bilingual French and English program for babies between the ages of 6 and 12 months at our Los Feliz campus and toddlers between the ages of 12 and 30 months old at our Los Feliz, Pasadena, and West Valley campuses.
The Mommy & Moi program teaches French to parents and children in a warm, loving, and supportive environment. Music and playtime activities help children in their language acquisition while parents, some of them learning alongside their children, are able to participate in discussions on their children’s development.

Mommy & Moi sessions are held separately from regular classes on campus.
Parastou Bassirat

Mommy & Moi @ Los Feliz Early Learning Center
Parastou is an International School of Los Angeles alumna and mother of three children, 9-year-old twin girls and a 7-year-old boy. Before pursuing a passion in child development, she pursued a career in business with a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business and Management. Passionate about working with young children, she has taught elementary English at the School and holds a preschool teacher license, specializing in infants and toddlers. She also holds a preschool director license and is experienced in child development, with 3 years of preschool teacher experience and 3 years as an infant/toddler teacher. After attending the International School of Los Angeles from 3rd through 12th grade, Parastou earned a French baccalauréat and graduated in 1995.
For more information or questions:
(310) 922-0873
Email Parastou
Elena Rolland

Mommy & Moi @ Orange County Campus
Elena Rolland is a French psychologist and mother of three bilingual children, two girls (13 and 4 years old) and a 9-year-old boy. She received a Master’s Degree in Abnormal and Clinical Psychology from the University Victor Segalen, and a B.A. in Fundamentals of Management and Public Health from the Public Health Institute of Epidemiology and Development (Bordeaux, France). Elena has experience in both adult and child psychiatry, with several years of practice in the field of memory care for patients with cognitive impairment.
She is currently teaching French (4th and 9th grade French students and beginner level American students) at the Alliance Française (Newport Beach). Passionate about the interface between first and second language acquisition, Elena advocates for bilingualism and its cognitive and social-emotional benefits. Her approach to the child’s learning process is based on the stimulation of positive emotions and sensory perceptions in a secure environment through the use of colors, sounds, taste and motions.
For more information or questions:
Email Elena
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to speak/understand French to attend your classes? What about my child(ren)?
No, you do not need to speak French; Mommy & Moi is a first approach to another language and culture for both you and your child.
Can I bring my newborn along to a class with my older child?
Yes, one parent can come to class with both children. We also welcome any nannies, friends or family to help.
I have twins. Can I come alone to class with both of them?
Yes, but we suggest bringing someone along to help so that you and your children may fully benefit from the class.
I have no children enrolled at the International School of Los Angeles. Can I still take the Mommy & Moi classes?
Yes, we welcome all families to our Mommy & Moi program.
Can my nanny come instead of me?
Yes, we welcome any nannies, friends and family members to bring your child to Mommy & Moi class if you have no other choice. We want your child to benefit from socializing with other children.
Are dads welcome to attend the class?
Yes, absolutely! We welcome everyone to our class.
My child is sick. Can I still come with him/her to class?
We want your child to feel comfortable in class. Please do not bring your child if he/she is not feeling his/her best.
How often are your toys/material cleaned?
We sanitize all toys and materials after each class.
Why are there some weeks when there is no class?
We follow the School’s academic calendar and therefore we will not have class on the weeks when there is no school.
If I purchase the 10 class combo, do I have to use the ten classes in a row?
No, you do not need to attend 10 classes in a row. However, all classes must be used before the end of the semester.