2017-2018 Annual Fund

We are excited to launch this year’s Annual Fund. You can read more about this year’s efforts below. We hope that you will help us to elevate LILA and give as generously as you can. Every gift is important. Please join us!
Michele Khateri, Director of Advancement
Leslie Galerne ’97, Annual Fund & Alumni Relations Manager
To fill out a pledge form click here >
2017-18 Statistics >
Top Reasons to Donate
1. It’s for our students! 2. International schools have higher operating costs. 3. We receive NO outside assistance from government sources. 4. All other private schools fundraise. 5. 100% Participation is very important.
Read more >
Ever wonder how your gift impacts the School? Read up on increased financial aid, new programs and our community in our 2016-17 Annual Report.
2016-17 Annual Report >

- elevate^excellence
- elevate^community
- elevate^worldview
Annual Fund mailer >

The International School of Los Angeles is an international, preschool through 12th-grade school committed to academic excellence in a nurturing and intimate environment that encourages personal initiative, creativity and curiosity.
Our community calls all corners of the world home. Our parents, students, faculty and staff members speak more than 39 different languages. They practice distinctive traditions from over 60 nations. Our students study and live in a global community every day.

The School embraces the belief that an international education must include lessons in philanthropy in order to raise socially-conscious children who will understand social and political issues in a diverse world. By nurturing well-rounded individuals with open-minds, we are preparing students for life in an increasingly connected society.
How to Give to the Annual Fund
Gifts to the campaign can be made online using a credit card, by check, via wire transfer, or by making a stock transfer.
- The most convenient way is to make a donation online using your credit or debit card.
- You may also write a check payable to the Lycée International de Los Angeles. In the memo line write “Annual Fund” and student’s last name, and please also include a donation form. You are welcome to mail checks to: International School of Los Angeles ATTN: Michele Wray Khateri – Annual Fund 1105 W Riverside Drive Burbank, CA 91506
- If you are interested in making a contribution of stocks or bonds, please contact Michele Wray Khateri at 818-994-2961 or michele.khateri@lilaschool.com to obtain a Gift of Stock Form.
- For gifts of $5,000 and above, we recommend a wire transfer.
2017-2018 Annual Fund Statistics
Updated March 12, 2018 @12:45pm
LILA Wide Goal
Total raised: $616,769
LILA Participation
Marie-Laure Goepfer, Co-Chair Laurence de Crisnay, Co-Chair
Burbank Participation
Sali Zimbrich, Chair
Los Feliz Participation
Caroline Pham, Campus Co-Chair Shiloh Filin, Campus Co-Chair
Orange Participation
Sharyn Kerr, Campus Chair
Pasadena Participation
Jennie Chang, Campus Co-Chair Ann-Marie Rounkle, Campus Co-Chair
West Valley Participation
Steven Cook, Campus Chair
The International School of Los Angeles is a fully self-funded non-profit school and receives no subsidies from the U.S. or French governments. Our school’s unique community is a dynamic blend of diverse families. We rely on our community – current parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends – every year during our Annual Fund to help ensure our ability to continue to build and support a truly exceptional education for all of our students. On an annual basis, your tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund ensures the school’s solid financial future and inspires outside financial institutions with the confidence to invest in our school.